Union Terrace Elementary School is one of 15 elementary schools located in the city of Allentown.
The richness of The Allentown School District's diversity is strengthened by its central role in educating our students for America's future through academic excellence and celebrating the culturally responsive, athletic and artistic range of talent in the schools. ASD students originate from 51 countries and speak 26 languages. There are twenty-five academic buildings throughout the City.
During the 2016-2017 school year, the district enrolled 16,628 students across 15 Elementary & Early Childhood Centers (7,976), 4 Middle Schools (3,421) and 3 High Schools (5,231). The Allentown School District has 2,429 personnel.
89.1% of our families are denoted as Low Income, and 100% receive Free/Reduced Lunch. ASD is the third largest urban school system out of 500 Districts in the Commonwealth and serves a community with a poverty rate of 38.64% of the City's population. (2013 Census).